"Learn how to live a longer, happier, healthier life with A Healthier You"
What's missing in today's modern health care system?
Since 1991 Master Herbalists David & Fawn Christopher have done a weekly radio show broadcast out of Utah County.
The title of the show says it all - the show is dedicated to helping you become healthy - naturally.
Most people would agree that these things are priceless. After all, how can you place a value on better health?
Here is what some of our listeners have had to say:
During the years they have covered about every conceivable health topic - from Asthma to Cancer, Heart Disease to Stroke, Pregnancy to Weight Loss (and everything in between).
For years the only way to hear A Healthier You if you lived outside of the broadcast range was to purchase an annual membership that gave you 12 out of the approximately 50 programs broadcast that year.
A Healthier You is now available online! We have spent hundreds of hours converting the past shows to a digital format so that you can access the invaluable database of past shows. This database of shows (click here to see the Index of shows) will help YOU to improve your health and become more independent.
With a subscription to A Healthier You you will not only have access to the entire database of past shows, but you will get every single new show the Christopher's broadcast! This will give you the most up-to-date, relevant data about your health.
By listening to A Healthier You and applying what you learn you can live a longer, happier and healthier life.
How much is that worth to you?
What if you were able to get off just one prescription?
What would it be worth to you to lose weight naturally and keep it off?
What would it be worth to you to learn how to have a healthy pregnancy?
What would it be worth to you to lower your blood pressure or cholesterol?
What will this priceless information cost you each month? Just five dollars plus a small sign-up fee if you choose to pay monthly or semi-annually. That's less than the cost of one movie ticket. Isn't YOUR health worth five dollars a month?
To sign up for membership simply click here.
Here's what one more listener has to say about the program:
Enroll in your membership today.
I learned of the radio show, "A Healthier You" through the School of Natural Healing where I received cassette tapes. What I love about the show is the support and information the Christopher's share. It is good to be reaffirmed about what I am doing in a world that does not support natural healing. I learn something new everytime I listen. Now the shows are on the internet and I can choose what I need to listen to by topic. This is a great resource that just keeps helping and encouraging me. Thank You David & Fawn!
--Judi C., Benson, AZ

I thank God everyday for directing me to the philosophies of Dr. Christopher, to The School of Natural Healing, and to the 'A Healthier You' radio website. By following these principles, my son, who was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, is drug free and thriving!! I have a greater sense of well being, I know that I don't have to be dependant on others for my health and the health of my family. The radio show keeps me motivated and reinforces the principles I am learning from the school. Thank you, thank you, thank you to David and Fawn Christopher for the work they do. It has changed my life!!!

'A Healthier You' radio program serves as a excellent reminder to me as a graduate of the School of Natural Healing that I am on the right path for my health and the health of those who ask for my help. I like that David and Fawn keep up on the latest health issues and inform the public that the natural methods always work no matter what latest health concerns crop up. Living across the country, I am excited that I can download 'A Healthier You' programs from the web!
Thank you!
Pam P.
Listen as David & Fawn Christopher talk about
"Why You Need a Healthier You."
A Healthier You is brought to you by:
Christopher Publications
Home of the writings of Dr. John R. Christopher, M.H., N.D.
The School of Natural Healing
Visit www.snh.cc to learn more about becoming an herbalist.
Herbal Legacy
Learn about Dr. Christopher's formulas, cleansing programs, find recipes and much more.
Don't exercise - Cellercise!
Learn more about the Cellerciser that David & Fawn talk about each week.
Listen to the most recent show by clicking here.
Online School of Natural Healing
For our listeners, get the Family Herbalist Course that David and Fawn talk
about on the radio every week for
only $195! That's $300 off the regular price!
A Healthier You Radio Show
With Master Herbalists David & Fawn Christopher
Listen live every Monday at 11:30 am Mountain Time.
Click Here to Listen Live
And each Thursday enjoy a classic Best of AHY episode from our 26 years of archives
Click Here to Listen to an AHY Classic